R.B.E. No. 31/2000
Subject : Fixation of pay of Running Staff – Drop in emoluments.
[No. PC-V/97/17/16, dated 24.2.2000]
In terms of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, for the purpose of pay fixation in the revised pay scales, an element of 40% of Basic Pay in the pre-revised scale was to be added to the existing emoluments and pay in the revised scales was required to be fixed at a stage next above the amount so arrived at. According to the first proviso to Rule 7(1) of the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, if the amount so arrived at worked out as more than the maximum of the revised scale, the pay was to be fixed at the maximum of the revised scale.
It had been reported by the Staff side (AIRF & NFIR) in the DC/ JCM Forum that the methodology of pay fixation as indicated above has led to hardship in the case of a few categories of staff in the Railways, more notably some categories of running staff. Since allowances such as dearness allowance are permitted to such staff in reference to their basic pay –30% thereof, the existing emoluments in the case of Running Staff, together with fitment benefit of 40% of basic pay in pre-revised scale added up to figures much beyond the maximum of the revised pay scales in many cases. Actual pay fixation has been allowed in such cases on the maximum of the respective pay scales in accordance with the extant provisions in RSRP Rules.
The Staff Side had accordingly demanded protection of total emoluments together with 40% fitment benefit in all such cases. In the above context, a reference had been made to Ministry of Finance to consider the demand of the staff side. A decision in this regard is awaited. During discussions held with staff side during the DC JCM meeting held on 30.11.99, the Staff Side pointed that in several cases, even the pay under IV CPC scales plus DA and other Allowances / IR as on 1.1.96 work out to a figure in excess of the maximum of the corresponding revised scales. This has necessitated recovery of excess payment made to such staff in the pre-revised scales covering varying period since 1.1.1996. On a demand that no recovery should be affected in such cases, it was decided to review the matter.
The matter has since been examined and it has been decided that recoveries in such cases where the actual emoluments received under pre-revised scales exceeded the emoluments becoming due on option for the revised scales of pay pertaining to the period between January, 1996 to October, 1997 may be pended till a final decision is received from the Ministry of Finance. However, for the subsequent period, the employees concerned shall continue to draw only the emoluments due in the revised pay scales opted for by them.
This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.