R.B.E. No. 28/2003
Subject: Report of the Railway Safety Review Committee (Part-II)-98 -
Refresher Training Programme for Loco running staff – Recommendation No. 107.
Reference: Board's letter of even number dated 20.1.2000 (Bahri's
11/2000, p.5) and 9.10.2002 (Bahri's 182/2002, p. 193)
[No. E(MPP)98/3/8, dated 11.2.2003]
The Railway Safety
Review Committee vide Recommendation No. 107 had recommend as under:-
"The initial and periodic
refresher training course for running staff and AC attendant should have a
programme on fire-fighting / use of fire extinguisher''.
The above recommendation has been accepted by Railway Board.
The Sub-module on
Fire-Fighting for all Group 'C' & 'D' staff of Electrical Department is already
included in Module EL-04 and floppy circulated vide Board's letter No.
E(MPP)2000/3/2, dated 27.2.2001. To facilitate access to the above module the
same has been pasted in Railnet under the Management Services site.
However, the
Railway administration are directed to include the module of fire-fighting in
the refresher courses for Asstt. Drivers and Drivers. The refresher courses for
Drivers viz., loco RNG-6, RNG-7, RNG-8 and RNG-9 have accordingly been modified
and enclosed. Adequate copies may be made and distributed to the concerned
Training Centres. The implementation of the above instructions may please be