R.B.E. No. 45/2000
Subject : Grant of Allowance in lieu of kilometreage to the Running Staff kept unutilised on account of cancellation of train services.
[No. E(P&A)11/98/RS-16, dated 18.4.2000]
- Pursuant to the discussion held in a meeting in the forum of JCM/DC, it was decided by the Board in 1986 that in the event of gauge conversion which is an anticipated and planned activity necessitating curtailment of train services for a specific period, the running staff could be relieved of running duties and deployed or granted leave during the period of cancellation of trains. It was also decided therein that opportunities should also be taken to depute such staff for Refresher/ Promotion and other courses, so that they may not lose their potential for earning allowance in lieu of kilometreage at headquarter or outstation rates, as the case may be, during such periods, instructions were accordingly issued vide Board's letter No. E(P&A)11/83/RS-21, dated 20.10.1986.
- It has been brought to the notice of the Board in the NM/AIRF that during gauge conversion on a Railway, a large number of Running Staff could not be utilised for the Running duty and also non-running duty. Except a few, the rest were not sent for any refresher course/ training etc. and as such the staff concerned were idling.
The matter has been considered by the Board who have desired attention of the Railways being drawn again to the above mentioned instructions of 20.10.1996. Accordingly Board desire that in the event of gauge conversion, the following action should invariably be taken by the Railway Administration:
- (i).The gauge conversion being an anticipated and planned activity, necessitating curtailment of train services for a specific period, the running staff should be relieved of running duties and should be deployed or granted leave during the period of cancellation of trains.
(ii).Opportunities should also be taken to depute them for Refresher/ Promotion and other courses, so that they may not lose their potential for earning allowance, in lieu of kilometreage at headquarter or outstation rates, as the case may be, during such periods.